


Even after that explanation I don't see how you can sell a car that you don't own?

Sounds to me you really put yourself into a pickle. You are very lucky that Pete went threw with the deal as I believe the lawyers would have been going after you.

Did you ever take possession of the car and put it into your name?

Have you learned anything from that experience or are you still marketing other peoples cars and then buying after you have pre-sold them?

Does this sort of new age flipping have a name?

Man I sure hate when $$$ gets involved in a good hobby...


I could explain it all further to you so you'd understand what actually transpired but this is really Mine, my client and Pete's business and we've worked it all out... no hard feelings between us... Pete and I even gabbed on the phone about cars for a good half hour just a couple days ago...
Besides, I think he's pretty happy with his triple black Hemi GTX he got by way of this whole deal...

I'd appreciate it if you didn't lecture me over something you don't have all the details for and know absolutly nothing about...

No need to get so sensitive, I just asked a quick question.
Did you make it a habit of selling cars you don't own or have possession of?

Doesn't seem like a good business practice to me. There would be no need to smooth things over if you just did things the right way in the first place.

Maybe this in the next new thing

Sean I am just writing down what many others are thinking, its not my reputation on the line...this is being discussed on a public forum you know


Nothing new , it worked for Fred E ?