
SAY IT BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!! IM LISTENING maybe you could help this combo out alittle more,with your tricks?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Go get them Dude tell them to bring there best horse and rider and we will see who goes home with there tails between there legs I agree with some of those that have had the same type of responces(run ins ) from some of the more learned book expets on here, they can tell you how to do everyting perfectlty including the exact best lobe to run on a cam but they can't set the valves on there own 12 sec. cars I for one am a firm beleiver in the old adage, if you can't say something good about a person or there project don't say anything at all unless there one of your racing buddys or racing enemys then all rules are off

Mr.Cab Racing and winning with Mopars since 1964. (Old F--t, Huh)