
I feel kinda sheepish. After focusing on all the bad-news-what-if stuff, it was the regulator after all. I should have just done the basic test outlined above first. Test the ground to the case, test the 12V+ into the IGN side from the battery.

I'm not one to throw money at parts just to see if it solves a problem, but when I found out a cheap regulator was only about $10 I went for it. For $10 it was worth it. I'll still need to buy a decent 60AMP electronic unit when I replace the alternator with an upgraded one, but the the $10 one can go in the spare parts box.

Thanks for everyone's help. I now feel extremely educated on the rest of the wiring system on my car. I've got other electrical gremlins to chase down, and this experience will help a lot.

This just might have taught you a great deal about electrics in general, and how "stuff works" in your particular car. I see people on forums all the time that don't understand the first basic things about hookin' stuff up so it works