

If his voltage drop is doing this & there is a 1.5v drop then why when he revs the engine does the voltage continue to climb? the regulator should limit it to the 1.5v above it normal limit IE max 16v but in reality most single wire systems limit around 14.2 plus 1.5 would be 15.7... Instead his will climb past 16v...

Good point. I'll probably also replace the regulater next week. It looks fairly new, but I can't recall if I replaced it two years ago when I bought the car. This car has not been driven since 1988, so I'm not surprised by anything that crops up. (Extremely disappointed, but not surprised)

In a situation like this, that statement is not true. That's because you have changing loads, which can change the drop. I didn't analyze the entire possible parallel current path but just one possibility might be (picking a point out of thin air) that the ignition system is drawing more current at high RPM and INCREASING the drop to the regulator

Find and fix the drop, whether wiring or by adding a relay

THEN worry about different problems which may be affecting this one (headlights, etc)

LAST replace the regulator IF NECESSARY