Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by TJP

if they monitor your driving habits why not do the same for cell usage? whistling twocents

USAA has a program to lower your rates that uses an app on your phone and they monitor cell usage.

Not sure if it matters to them if it is hands free or not ether.

Not going that route for anyone.

One of the things is that I put most of my miles, 50k a year, on the work truck. Maybe 1000 miles a year on my POV. I sure don't want to pay USAA for the miles I put on the truck. Not sure how they know your a driver or a passenger either.

Valid point on the passenger driver part. However the cost to all due to cell usage is only partially known as many less serious accidents are unaccounted for.
But the FCC reports in 2022 alone
More than 3,300 people were killed in accidents attributed to distracted driving, and an estimated 290,000 people were injured in crashes involving distracted drivers in 2022, according to the latest data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

How many other unreported accidents and what is the cost?

Face it, no one is that flipping important to take a human life or cause an accident over a D/A call, text, or other self centered entitlement. It has been proven more than once to be as dangerous or more than driving drunk. The President (not the current one) certain high ranking officials get a pass. Otherwise toughπŸ’©

So why do we allow it? because there's ALOT of πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘ to be made by corporate America and it not just phones and cell carriers.
Myself, I say if the phone is moving more than 5 MPH, communication stops, PERIOD!!! Don't care if your on a bus, in a cab or whatever.
The privilege to do so it is not worth a human life or the cost we are being forced to pay as a society.

On the house insurance scam, Goes right back to the recent Ca. fires caused by who? PG&E, they knew for years of the potential problems but did NOTHING, NADA, ZERO. But they did way overpay their executives, the very ones that swept it under the rug before and AFTER. Charged? fined? jailed? you're joking right?
And PG&E? they were allowed to file for bankruptcy in anticipation of the lawsuits 🀬🀬🀬.
It was not just property lost but lives as well, both human, pets, and wildlife. lets not even discuss the environmental impact. After all there's no greenies in Ca.
Just pass it on to the middle class.
Yes, the insurance companies lost their backsides on those, so they strated excluding things,not writing policies, jacking the premiums when the did. HMM we got away with it there, so now lets go nationwide wink Florida? you live in the Hurricane area? Pay for the coverage or roll the dice, Your choice.
I paid extra for earthquake coverage when I lived there.

OK I think my conservative redneck views have been adequately stated. if it is deemed to political I tried not to be, but if it deemed so, just delete 🍻

Last edited by TJP; 05/01/24 10:40 PM.