Originally Posted by not_a_charger
^ This is what's also happening in Florida. For anyone who thinks government run insurance is a good idea, listen to these horror stories.

But he said there could be hope for the future. The state is looking to change regulations that would allow insurers to price policies on a home-by-home basis, something that's not currently allowed. Susman says that should attract insurers back to the market, allowing them to assess risk on more factors than just a zip code.

This is also not a good idea for most consumers, but it's very likely the way things will end up, at least in FL and CA.

Why not? Living in FL, it’s not fair for me, living way inland, to subsidize wealthy people living in million dollar homes on the beach.
My hurricane odds/damage would be a fraction of someone who lives on the beach, or within 7 miles of it.