Originally Posted by TJP
Originally Posted by not_a_charger
Originally Posted by SomeCarGuy
A major problem is people gaming the system for new roofs. “Hail damage.” I’ve watched the shady companies out on these new roofs. Some have to be reworked within months. From what I’ve been told, you can sign something and the roofer has a way to then sue the insurer for not covering the roof. Like they have a right to represent you and they have a lawyer well versed in this bs.

I know for a fact a next door neighbor went nuts in a roofer that said he would have to pay because the roof was just worn out. The guy was yelling about how it should be “hail damage” and he’d find somebody to get it done. In the end, the guy that got yelled at did the job and it was covered. Somehow. I’ve seen about 6 of these “hail damage” roofs go in on my street in the last two years. Somehow the hail missed my house??? But every one around me got it. Hmm.

I had my long time roofer out for a tune up, a legit outfit with a commercial division I’ve had on my job, and the lead guy said he won’t mess with people wanting him to scam a roof for them. This group isn’t the type that has call backs either.

I’ve come to view insurance as a lay away plan for new roofs. Somebody has to pay for all this nonsense. Like the guy that painted his brick house white and it looked bad because the roof was brown. He boasted to me one day that he was “lucky it had hail damage” so he got to switch it to black. Convenient, huh?

This happens all the time, and has for years.

Then there's a few idiots like me that had 5-6 shingles blow off in a wind storm. Did i turn a claim in ? No, Did I when a tree fell and his the lower bldg. ? No,
Does that count? NO!! Did my insurance company care ? NO!!
on car insurance, how many accidents caused by cell usage go unreported? what is that cost ?
if they monitor your driving habits why not do the same for cell usage? whistling twocents
Someone mentioned Golf tournaments, I say exec salaries, bonEuses and other perks stirthepot

Not dumb. My new roof got damaged by falling limbs last summer so I went and bought more singles and made the repairs cleared up all the tree damage I could reach then hired a guy with a 90' backyard lift to remove all the broken limbs in the top of the tree before they could fall and cause more damage.

Insurance company doesn't even know it happened and have never had a car claim in the 30 years I've had them but still raised it 45 % this year. Meeting with them Friday morning. I'm told these days they want you to tell them when you put on new roofs or they're going to charge you as if it needs replaced. I've had 2 friends see about new companies and 1 wouldn't even right it without roof being replaced and other told the guy he had 30 days to get a new roof or the new company was going to cancel him.

Lets face it I have a stone house so unless I have a fire or take a direct hit from a tornado the roof is the only damage they'd ever pay.
