Not A Charger? Is the insurance industry behind the scenes doing anything in the ways of understanding its 2024 and not 1980 and doing things to re invent the way insurance is handled? It almost seems this is another area that is running itself into the ground. Charging more, canceling policies does not seem like a plan for the future but rather a plan for the last one out please turn off the lights.

Hard not to feel like at times that the good old USA gravy train is coming to a screeching halt. shruggy Or are we just hitting a generational revamp of they way we live and how business is done?

Here again I think some of this but maybe a small amount is due to us Americans being cheap and wanting to cut corners. Just as mentioned about the roofs I think its worse on the automotive side. Business padding repairs by bilking the insurance companies, offering X amount and no cost and ways they can snake ones deductible or get this or that done for free as they say. Many seem to get made more then whole.

Its no wonder there is so little trust left in some areas.