my "FUN" started this past wednesday when my blood pressure tanked to 80...........
my wife called 911, and the ambulance hauled me to "the resort on the hill", a nickname my old man gave the local hospital you can literally see from my house, only about a mile away.
they got my blood pressure kinda stabilized, but the crashing from normal to super low pounded my kidneys bad.
so it was "bag lunches" and yummy hospital food for 3 1/2 days until my kidney function was back to normal and i was released.
my meds have been modified, and i see my doc this coming wednesday for a med list overhaul and more blood work.
first thing i did when i got home was grind off 47&1/2 pounds of barnacles to get clean, then finally in a bed that was COMFORTABLE to catch up on the lack of sleep one gets while in the hospital.
i feel pretty good today, but i'm not allowed to do much until after the doc visit, where he will decide what i can and can't do.