"I'm calling regarding my Mother's account to let you know she has passed"

"Well, we need to speak with your Mother to get her permission to talk to you............" shock rolleyes

My 91 year old Aunt died Dec 30th. I am having exactly the same problem. The 2 people that are designated in her will and POA died before she did. I am her nearest next of kin and just want to get her bills settled. There won't be that much in her account. It will all be gone if we pay off the facility she was in. She owns nothing. Lawyer says $2000 retainer and $300/hr. Who gets what is in the account if we just forget about it? Does it just stay there forever? And what do we do about IRS? shruggy runaway panic

Last edited by GomangoCuda; 02/02/24 12:07 AM.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.