Originally Posted by dvw
I did the same thing as Sean with inserts. Actually Time-Serts. The reason for doing mine was to move the T&D bed plate outward .060" towards the valves. Since the Time-Sert is a larger diameter it made sence. The holes were offset bored. Then the inserts were able to be installed with no welding of te original holes.

So just for clarity here, I'm not sure where Doug's heads were initially machined (on what centerline) but if you move MINE, TOWARDS THE VALVE, it crashes the pushrod into the head! I'm just clarifying for anyone who might convert their heads to paired rockers with bolt-down stands. I can tell you we are using the same lifter seat height. A taller lifter seat would move the pushrod away from the head. ANOTHER VARIABLE is if the rockers had a different pivot but had the same ratio. But we also have the same rocker bodies! I can only assume with confidence that my original point of reference was on the same plain as the factory holes used for the original 5 'pedestal' holes. your results may vary lol

Last edited by HardcoreB; 01/27/23 03:20 PM.