Originally Posted by Jeremiah
That's a rowdy looking group of gearheads right there.

The valve covers are a classic institution of the 1970's Direct Connection catalog. While I am sure they won't be used in the final rendition you see them on some bery successful race cars in old pictures.

I really dig that roller lifter lash tool. Can you put some simple blue prints on a napkin and post it?

I think the "just have fun" approach is healthy. Not being the competitive type my time at the track is more of a social event. If racing goes okay that is a bonus lol. Days off of work shouldn't be successful!

Moving forward,.you really need to get aluminum valve covers and trim those studs before dvw does something crazy like install a fiberglass hood. : D

Anything you can seat the lifer on ‘square’ this has 2 surfaces that locate. Having an ‘adjustable’ seat makes it modular for other lifters. Then mount a high resolution indicator in a way that pics up the centerline of the wheel and then pry the wheel to gage lash…verify it repeats and viola! He’s using old school M/T aluminum covers with a -12 vacuum fitting welded in place. Some of the stuff in pic was to ship it.