Originally Posted by BSB67
I like reading what others are doing/planning/thinking/experiencing for financing their retirements. Like someone else said, its easy, you just need to know when your going to die.

I don't think anyone said it, but one of the reasons I'm contemplating the wait until I'm 70 is to maximize my wife's benefit when I'm gone. There is a fair chance that she'll be around for another 35 years after we retire.

SS is a government program, to be able to receive any of it, the government has to keep meeting the obligation, regardless of how it was funded. Without getting political, that option seems to be loosing ground pretty fast.

Its no longer a game of one simple question, 3 questions will need to be considered.

The 1st question is: When will I die?
The 2nd question is: How long will the government continue to meet the obligation it committed to back in the 1930s?
The 3rd question is: Will they change the rules to receive payment that may eliminate or greatly reduce what they will pay out to me?