Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by cudaman1969
Originally Posted by 19swinger70
The government wants you to die before you collect. Collect when you can.

I would like to see the figures on how many pass at 65-70-75. I have quite a few friends that didn’t make 65 let alone 75, all that money put in and none taken out, and these are boomers, the ones who really filled up the cooky jars but it’s going broke?!

There is no cookie jar, there never has been. You were paying out the retirement benefits of the people who were retired while you were paying in. The excess, if any, got spent. Now you get to live on what the workers of today are putting in. Its a pyramid scheme, at best.

You would have been better off if that money got put into an investment account.

I came to that realization over 40 years ago. That's why I have never even thought about social security. I figured that the likelihood of it even existing by the time I retire was slim. But it is still here.
With the amount they are paying, and the high taxes here in Minnesota, it would take three or four months of social security checks just to pay the annual property taxes on my home. I can't afford to live on social security, that's for sure, so I'll keep working. Good thing I enjoy what I do!

31 Plymouth Coupe, 392 Hemi, T56 magnum
I don't regret the things I've done. I only regret the things I didn't do.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something. ~ Plato"