

If you are still running an Amp gauge, make sure that you have a good fire extinguisher ! I suggest that you bypass the Amp gauge and install a Volt meter.



with everything checked and properly upgraded ( of course after 30 years anything needs to be checked ) you won't need to get a fire extinguisher

This is false reasoning. You need to wire the car so that a WORST CASE in either situation, IE battery discharge-as when running radios/ stereos whatever when parked, engine off, versus being able to toot down the road while the alternator is catching up.

Years ago, I upgraded the wiring on my 70 car--I'm an amateur operator--by drilling out the connectors in the bulkhead connector and threading no8 or larger (I've forgotten) right straight through the connector.

Back in those days I had a 100W trunk mount VHF (2 meters) as well as a fairly high current "tube" UHF receiver, landing lights (2 -4537's--100W each) and a few other things.

I did have the dash apart at one time and took GREAT care to be sure the ammeter connections were secure. I MAY have soldered the internal shunt, I've forgotten.

The point is this. Overanalyzing the problem, and think claiming that the answer is to "balance" everything does not allow for extreme situations---the very thing that can "get ya."

In this day and age of very big stereo amps, hugh electric fans, you MUST be prepared to upgrade as necessary.

I spent years and years in electronics and HVAC/ refrigeration service, as well as a few years dealing with E911 telco. I have a pretty good idea on how to not blow stuff up

To put this into so many words, your method in my opinion is the wrong approach