An improvement at the track would certainly be icing on the cake and I think that an improvement there is a very real possibility. At least on some vehicles. But an improvement at the track is not really the bottom line.

These items are aimed at our 'seat of the pants'. A difference that you can feel. They make you feel better about your ride. Kinda like a new set of wheels, or a buff and wax.

Or local track is set to reopen here shortly. I had never thought about taking my '18 4wd Hemi Ram to the track, but it just might be a good test bed. It ought to hook okay, so the 60' should be consistent. Then I could compare the stock and the modified throttle opening speed's impact on it's performance.

I can tell you this: from a dead stop on pavement, in 4wd the truck will not break the tires loose with a hard throttle hit. But it will bark them with the throttle set full up. That should translate to better track times. If I do hit the track with the truck, I'll post the results. But, no matter the results, I am happy with the difference it has made. As I said, I actually use the slower settings more because I am usually towing and hooking up trailers with the truck. It is particularly handy for that.


Master, again and still