I understand that these devices are not for everyone or for every vehicle. And I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion and that experiences with these kind of things can vary. But to make the kind of pat statements that they are a waste of money or that they can't have an impact on a vehicle's fun factor is just plain wrong.

And that is born out by the majority of experienced users that have responded here. And by the overwhelming majority of reviews posted on the 'net' that are positive. Very positive. Most have video comparisons to reinforce their conclusions. And there are more and more companies jumping on the band wagon to build them, so demand (which is tied to reputation) is growing.

So GTSDart340, you have expressed your opinion and experience quite effectively. And that is your prerogative. No one has disputed that your particular experience with a similar device was negative. But you have gone too far with your position. By not having tried different devices on many different vehicles most reasonable people would be very hesitant to make the kind of statements that you have. A single experience is not all experiences. Your extremely limited experience is further isolated by the fact that most other reviews have reported a very different opinion on these devices. But you will still feel that your opinion is more important than many, many others that disagree with you and provide evidence to support their conclusion. Something that you cannot do with your similar device. All of which makes it harder and harder to take you seriously on this subject.

Master, again and still