Wife and I took it out for a drive last nite, without doing anything to it before hand except ck coolant level, And it was approx 1" above the coolant tubes,,,, So we took off. As I wanted to try again before doing anything to it

Drive into town , Non expressway but still run approx 50 mph for almost 12-13 miles. Per the gauge car never got to half way up the gauge, Just barely under that.
Made a couple stops with maybe lasting 10-15 minutes heat soaks. Fired right back up , Gauge was nearly 3/4 the way up but cooled right back down the below half. Did this 3 times with same results.

On the way home right away it crept back up to 3/4 way up the gauge and stayed there all the way home ( again a little over 12 miles ,,,give or take )

Once home took temp gun and said temp right at thermostat hsg was about 215 or so with gauge still showing right about 3/4 ,,,maybe just under that.
Inside the rad top is spotless so I have my doubts its a radiator issue. It was recored the time the car was done.,,,,, And driven very little

So, with that ,,,, Something tells me I have a Tstat acting up

I live in an area where antifreeze is really not needed. SO,,,,,,,I am going to drain, flush it even remove the block drain plugs as well and refill with distilled water , Refill with an additive thrown in for good measure replace the thermostat with a new one. and go from there .