
ryan,, it looks like the air/fuel was low around peak torque which isnt that bad,, but the bsfc numbers look lean. might be that header that is screwing you up more than the jetting.

im wondering who would pay 16k for a 650hp motor....

why wouldnt you think that the supplied parts wouldnt be included in the msrp,, was mopar goingto give those parts to anyone trying to replicate that engine?

looks to me like the guy who best understands the way an internal engine functions could win,, and probably won. if you want more of a no-brainer,, real world engine shootout,, you need a compression rule.


I've never seen anyone try to run an $86 1 5/8" el cheapo street header on an engine like this before (big inch). It was an experiment, I would like to dyno it again and try some misc race headers and carbs. But that being said I left the exhaust port basically "unported" because I was using the small header inlet. My normal Lg commando Ex port is a large Oval with a drastically raised roof. Even being in stock small square shape it still overhangs the headeders especially on the end cylinders. ie. the headers on 1/7 2/8 are smaller than the stock Ex ports. I asked one of the engineers what their thinking behind these Ex port shapes was and he had no good answer. The roof of the port and the top of the header port are about even, so all I could do was lower the floor some, I could'nt widen it any. It's about 40 cfm off of a "good" Lg Commando Ex port.

Who would pay $16K for a 650 HP motor? Alot of people. Every engine we build today is between $12-$18K intake to pan with all new parts. Most are 550-650 Street/Strip engines. That's just what they cost to build. The big W series stuff oes'nt really cost any more to build today than one of these W5/Lg Commando/INDY head motors. Maybe another $1K with water lines, trick intake work and custom pistons but... What's another grand when you're already spending 15.

Why did'nt we think the supplied MP parts would be included? Because we all (most competitors) specifically asked that question, and we got and email back with a list of all MSRP parts that would be included in the final tally and none of the MP supplied parts were listed on that list. It was after that list came out in our email, that we chose our cyl heads. If I had known the truth I would have used LA replacement iron heads and chevy rockers. Then June 30 we get the final MSRP list emailed to us to be filled out and faxed back and the MP parts were on it..... to say some of us were a bit unhappy would be an understatement. We spent about and hour arguing with the MP guys on Monday about it and they said they'd think about it overnight and give a ruling on Tuesday. In the end they gave us an extra 10 minutes of tune time for the "misunderstanding" on MSRP. I don't know how we all could have asked a VERY specific question, and gotten a VERY specific answer back and yet in the end have the answer be wrong. But then again it's MP.... And they had all of our questions asked/answered through an intermediary (the JR Thompson Co. who handles their advertising) So... I should have know things would get screwed up.

I think they are going to either do a compression rule, or lower the fuel to 93 next year. I'd liek to see a 12.5:1 limit myself and stay with the VP 100 fuel. They realize they need to do SOMETHING to stop the ultra high compression stuff, his motor was killer but as Jon Clark said to a couple of us competitors in the back room, "it was'nt really in the spirit of what MP wanted to see built" They want REAL street motors, just like I think Enginemasters does and yet every year pure dyno contest engines show up and win. I have no qualms about mine being streetable, I would like to put it in my car and run it around here on 94 Sunoco with a couple cooling lines added. The cam is not outrageous, or a spring killer, it has 8-8.5" of vacuum out here and idles as low as 605 with no load, 750 with load. It idled for 6 minutes straight and did'nt load up the plugs before the power pulls... Good TQ curve, I think would be nice street motor.