Fun reading of your exploits. Neat car! Brought back a lot of memories. Years ago while in college I bought one of those at a farm auction for $30.00 and used it as a winter beater.

I remember vividly trying to sort out the heater controls. Not what you'd call intuitive. I also got confused over the coil wiring as the car wouldn't start at the auction and I was of course used to negative ground systems. I initially thought the wires had been reversed and that was the problem, but then found a fuse in line to the coil that was blown. A new fuse cured everything.

The car always started, no matter how cold out, although on bitterly cold nights I'd bring the tired 6V battery in the house. We used to take it out and try to get it stuck in snow. The thing was so rusty the bench seat rocked back and forth with the floor pan, or what was left of it.

The following spring I was done with school and moving on so drove it to the junk yard. I felt guilty junking the poor car.

Anyway, keep the updates coming. Enjoy following along.

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