Friday update...

Didn't get any chance to do any work on it during the week, paying work needed doing. I did get it inspected and registered Monday and my military plates should be coming in the mail eventually.

Parts have been arriving all week. New wipers and arms. The old ones had some sort of funky fishhook looking attachment at the blade to arm connection. I do need to step down the voltage because it wipes real fast right now. Torn between a dropping resistor and a motor controller.

New 12v heater blower motor arrived. The old 6v unit is in sad shape, insulation falling off the wires. The replacement is one for a factory AC A body that looks like it can be made to work.

some electrical connectors to tidy up the job and replace temp connections I put in for the inspection. New speedo cable with some firewall grommets to seal things up as needed.

Decided to upgrade the gauges, once done I'll post a pic. Picture of old gauge cluster to ponder.
