I will keep Justice Brothers in mind, but I have never analyzed their formula, so I cannot personally recommend it....could be good, I just don't know for sure.

1. The basic "sales pitch" of Water Wetter is 100% BS. Lowering the surface tension of your coolant substantially (what Water Wetter claims) makes your coolant FOAMY...and air bubbles don't transfer heat very well...so your engine runs HOTTER. More water is the key to making your engine run cooler, not a bottle of pixie dust.

2. Hyper Lube is JUST WATER + some surfactants. There's no corrosion inhibitor at all. It does foam. I do not recommend Hyper Lube for anyone in any engine.

3. Having personally run the same (or similar) test of engine temperature vs. coolant additive I am skeptical of the results. All of the products will run +/- 1 degree F with the same blend of ethylene glycol & water or just water.....except Hyper Lube which may run hotter if that cooling system allows it to foam.

4. The graph you show is "heat capacity", which shows how much heat a gallon can hold inside it. This is also useful, but more important is "heat transfer coefficient" which is how easily the liquid takes heat out of one thing (your engine block) and transfers it to another thing (your radiator). Water winds hands down vs. ethylene glycol (or propylene glycol or glycerin) by a factor of about 3x or 4x. Water is MUCH better at transferring heat.

70 Roadrunner convt. street car 440+6, NOS, 4-spd, SS springs '96 Mustang GT convt. street car '04 4.6 SOHC, NOS, auto, lowered "Officer, that button is for short on-ramps"