I gather you haven't touched the caster-settings yet?
That's where the most of the proper handling/tracking/stability will come from.
Simply eye-balling the alignment is simply impossible and certainly no option to achieve any proper handling.

Steeringplay, I would assume that a "remanufactured" box would have the play taken care off.
If the rest of the steering linkage is good and tight, my guess is the box just received some new gaskets and grease inside.
Are you really sure the box is mounted tight on the K-member? (Have someone steer left/right while you observe possible box movements.)
How tight is the steering coupler?

Most often the idler-arm bushing is the cause for lousy or vague steering response. Next to that are loose steering boxes, worn/trashed LCA bushings, worn ball joints or loose wheel bearings.

A good alignment shop shouldn't even start the alignment-job until these parts are replaced and play-free.

As for nr. 4 and 5;
(4) Torsion bars are pre-loaded unevenly.

(5) Caster setting way off, or bushings trashed?