Originally Posted By AndyF
Tough request. Best bet is to find a semi-retired body shop pro who has his own home shop and likes Mopar cars. I know a couple of guys like that who knock out a few project cars a year for customers who pay cash. They get some nice cash flow to supplement the SS checks and customers get quality work done that they don't have the time to do themselves.

Best bet to find those guys is to ask around at car clubs or car shows. In my experience, anyone who has employees and is paying retail rental rates for a big shop downtown is going to need to charge more than you want to pay.

One of the pitfalls going this route is if they're operating with no license or insurance, and "whatever" might happen, the money you thought you might be saving, could be for nought...
I've know a few guys that went this route, some make out great, some not so good regardless of the "glowing recommendation" they got from other enthusiasts