Originally Posted By RamblerMan
Originally Posted By mopars4ever
I spent my savings on making repairs to the house that went above/beyond insurance money.
Ask for it back as part of the divorce settlement.

Ask for it ALL back, plus 50% of the houses' current value. B*tch gonna PAY.

I'm sorry, but I read that and I can't believe your wife would even think of pulling this. Did she say anything prior to the Hurricane? Did you see any of this coming? If not, then she's being a selfish bint and is probably shtupping somebody on the side. (Women generally don't leave their men unless they have somebody else set up - it's just how they operate). Using the hurricane as an excuse is just low and a prime example of how unethical many women can be. (not all, but a fair percentage)

If you are going to sell your wagon, sell it to a friend for $1 who can store it for you and will let you buy it back when all the ink is dry. Don't waste a cool car over a woman. As you've seen, they're simply not worth it.

While it pains me to hear of a marriage ending and I sympathize with you (no kids involved, are there?) but from the information you've given here.... it's going to be for the better.

Any woman that isn't OK with her man looking after momma ain't no woman at all.

Ill give you $20 for that hunk of junk(not your wife). I can keep it here in sunny Arizona.

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Abe Lincoln