I phoned the local Napa and it looks like they have the #3501 so will change it the next chance I get, I will leave the clutch freeplay as is just to see if it is the oil problem.
The shift forks were replaced so they are in good condition, I think I tried the 3 or 4th gear from neutral and almost think there was no difference, there is no grinding once it does go into gear.
What I did notice was that if I went into 1st from neutral it would kind of road block it but if I keep pressure on the shifter it would go into 1st, there is no grinding into 1st or 2nd from neutral, just feels like its blocked but like I said it would go if I keet pressure on the shifter.
When you overanalyze this it does make sense that maybe the oil is too slippery and not stopping the synchros, but when I keep pressure on the shifter it stops the synchros????
Once I change the oil I will keep everyone posted.