Originally Posted By Grizzly

Not supposed to weld steering components. Period. End of story. It's ILLEGAL where I live and likely the same where you are.

Love it when I'm right.

um, grizz, i have no dog in this fight, nor do i have any experience with the borg box. but..... using your statement, ALL new vehicles with struts for steering components are therefore illegal on your streets and highways. the spring mounts are WELDED onto the strut body as well as the strut MOUNTS to the hub carrier. and from looking at factory as well as aftermarket replacement struts, some of those WELDS are not very nice. however, it seems there is not a problem for those WELDED steering components being LEGAL. modifications to components that include welds may be in fact illegal where you are at, but WELDED steering components from the OEMs and aftermarket are most certainly legal. again, not picking on you, nor do i have any experience with the borg box.