Peter - when are you going to address the issues that people are experiencing? If the product is that good back it up. I can't see how buying the box from you solves any of the installation issues and i have yet to see you address any of the quality fitment issues in writing. The B Box should drop right in like the stock box without SHIMS and it does not. If the steering set up/wheel alignment is good with the stock parts and the B Box has issues the problem is with the box, not the car. Coupling misalignment are not ok either. It's not designed to work that way.

As for Tim's Hot Rod Valiant handling being vague in the center of steering travel with the firm feel box - maybe it's time the box got a look see. Hot laps does take it's toll on equipment. My experience with the FF Stage 3 on road course car is nothing but excellent and I would not hesitate ever to use any firm Feel Product product.