I will agree with most of what has already been stated.
We arrived 2pm fri afternoon, got pitted and unloaded and then waited. Decided not to buy back into gambers race when 2nd round was going to start just before midnite. With the long day at the track plus traveling, we were ready to rest. Back to the track at 10 am sat, left sun morning around 4 am (immediatly after being eliminated), back to the track before 11 am sun, in the finals sun afternoon. Got back home just before midnite sunday.
The track crew preped the track, almost to a fault, although it took a long time each time. BUT, we can't blame the track crew for fouling up the track (we, the racers did that!). I was the first car down the lane after they cleaned and re-preped it from the burn out area to the end of the 1/4 mile sat night, and the track was awesome.
One other change that I would offer in addition to what Josh has stated, is that we have a "self-imposed" curfew of maybe 1 am. If nothing else, to be better neighbors, but also for safety. Nothing bad happened that i'm aware of, but its just an accident looking for a place to happen. Racers there 12 hours fri, 17 or 18 hours sat and 7 or 8 sun. Track crew was there longer than that. When you have that many people working like that, its inevitable that something is going to get over looked or forgotten, then disaster happens. When we reach the "curfew", finnish that round, split it up and move on to the next day or suspend the racing and finnish it the next day.
It was good to see so many of our "racing family" and meet many new ones. We really enjoy coming to this event. I hope that canges can be made to make it more enjoyable for all next year.
Josh, thanks for all you did and are planning to do. It was good to finally meet you too.
Hope to see you all next year, Brian Dunnigan

MOPAR Southern Classis 9-16 K 530.JPG