Dude: You're making a fool of yourself. For anyone wondering:

Five years ago I promised Somecarguy I would sell him like $150 of truck parts. Another guy bought the whole bunch of truck parts I had for sale for like $250 or something like that. I never took any money from SomeCarGuy. I felt bad at the time but I sure don't now. He keeps slagging me for his enjoyment. I mean really five years of being upset and getting twisted out of shape that someone didn't sell you $150 of truck parts?
I won't post on this again but that's what happened. Make your own conclusions. Nitrousn is an excellent Mopartsr as well. We made a deal like 10 years ago no problems, he's a stand-up guy who says what he thinks.
Feel free to call me what you may I won't respond so your last word can be whatever you like.

