To be honest Feets no. I am frustrated and I am taking it out on this forum. When we took the truck in we were very respectful although we haven't been respected. Leaving 3 and 4 messages a day to call me back over a few days and not hearing anything is disrespectful in anyone's book. Even a callback to let me know there is NO news is showing respect. When I finally got a hold of the person that didn't call me back on Saturday I let her know that was the wrong thing to do (obviously she didn't know this). Not telling her would have enabled her to keep on with this behavior don't you think?
8 days in my wife went in to check on the truck and at that time the Service Advisor told my wife we should call Fiat to apply pressure to get things moving. We did this. Yesterday Fiat called me at work to say the dealer was calling me that day to arrange a loaner for us, the dealer never called. So I called Fiat again last night. Still no word from the dealer today and it's 4 PM so they still have a chance but...
If you think this is acceptable customer treatment I would be surprised.
So I am without my one month old vehicle 11 days at this point, with no feedback from the dealer since 6 days ago. So what's acceptable, 2 months, 3 months, just let it ride and have a beer? BTW I did the Service Advisor thing for about 6 months a few years ago. It didn't go perfect but I enjoyed it and my customers enjoyed the experience as well. But then I believe giving the best service available and treating people as I like to be treated. But I will not tolerate bad treatment from anyone. If they want to start it, I'll finish it.

