This is terrific! Not only has Sheldon been treated like he treats others, only to learn his way is the wrong way, the nitrous guy has AGAIN identified with rogue behavior as a way to spite me. Two truly sad individuals deserving of each other indeed.

His unending 5+ year quest to follow me around the board and make snarky comments has put him in support of a deadbeat that whined about a bad mark on his credit after a debt settlement with a lender. That was some trivial amount of money and the guy posts frequent pics of his 150k+ cars, high dollar house, etc. Nitrous guy thought that was worthy of going after me because i dared to say the guy should pay his debts or expect to get dinged.

Now he posts in support of a guy that is dismayed somebody wouldn't return his daily tantrum calls, even though he behaves as he pleases when it's "convenient" as he says.

All because i posted years ago that Ford made a good truck.

I want my fair share