


Is that the Motor that went "BOOM" @ Speedworld.??


same short block.... different set of heads. #3 rod let go.... It was also #3 intake runner on the leaky heads that kept introducing water to that cylinder. Believe the rod got damaged and it wasn't caught until it was too late.

Was there something wrong with the W5's.?? I remember you saying something about porosity in the castings.
Do the W8-W9's have the same problems.??


I've run both. Regardless if you spray or boost a small block, or chose to run a big block there is one underlying factor, torque. The way the motor pulls from converter flash to the shift. Lets face it low rpm is cheaper and easier to live with. So for the majority of racers here to get their 3100-3600 lb car going they need torque. Generally the simplest least expensive way is to have a bigger motor.