
He doesnt like to say due to that he is trying to
run a business correcting the geometry for people...
he dont like to share

I don't mind sharing with people who don't mind hearing. I guess every time Andy says "in my book" he isn't really trying to sell it, even though he doesn't outright tell you what's in the book. Come to think of it, I'm tired of hearing stuff like "it doesn't look to bad for a Mopar", as if Mopar guys are second class car guys who don't deserve better. Or, how about this one, "serious racers step to Jesel or T&D rockers". I guess the guy who can only afford Cranes isn't really serious about winning when he rolls through the gate every weekend. After all, he is bracket racing. I've never met a dedicated racer yet who wasn't serious. Oh, and by the way, education is costly, so you'll have to forgive me if I don't give every last detail of what I know away for nothing when it cost me dearly and I worked my backside off for it. Call your favorite NASCAR shop and ask how they turn 9500 rpm for hours on a superspeedway, and see what they tell you. And you have the nerve to say I don't want to share. At least I stepped up and offered and alternative to "it's not too bad for a Mopar". I guess that's not being helpful.

Mike Beachel

I didn't write the rules of math nor create the laws of physics, I am just bound by them.