
Well I don't need any more convincing what the problem is. The TS expander ring wont let the oil rings compress enough. The pic shows the TS on the left and Mahle right. The oil rings between the 2 brands cannot be told apart, identical. Both ring sets are file fit for a 4.06 bore and drop in for a 4.065, which is what im using. BTW the TS 2nd ring needed quite a bit of filing to be "drop in" while the top was dead nuts on. Since I already 'chipped' the top ring in #2 im gonna throw in the towel and spend MORE money for a set of Mahle's. Will call Total Seal Monday and give them a chance to make it right.

Total Seal.."make it right",,, Good Luck with THAT!! ALL these parts suppliers know more than we do,,or we would be working there, right? "A tee shirt and a hat does not make a tech rep." by Fred @ Chapman Performance

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