
The truck was built with sponsorship money from Bangshift.
Larry did this because he was always against where the class was headed with pro mods on the street. So he decided to build one and beat them at their own game so to speak.

In reality, there has only ever been ONE real Pro-Mod in the class and that was Dave Ahokas. Bailey's car is glass, but heavy at 3100lbs. Lutz new 57 is glass, but stock dimensions, with all stock chrome and bumpers= heavier than it COULD be. Larry's beef was that somebody COULD come in and crush the class with a true purpose built car. And that he DID by going WAY further than anyone else ever had or intended to. The truck ran exactly what it SHOULD run for what it is. Lutz could have just as easily done some work on his pro-mod Camaro that has run 5.90s and brought it, but instead he chose to build the 57. Larry is a good friend and I understand WHY he did what he did, but as Lutz put it, that "just sucks all the fun out of the class". I agree 100% and actually so does Larry, but he wanted to make a point........and he DID. Now lets see how that POINT effects the Unlimited class. I can't possibly see it making it better, unless the rules are pulled back. If left as is..........it will do one of two things.....KILL the class or produce one or two others who are willing to invest the money and time to do it that way, which makes Unlimited totally a "pro-mods" with plates class............and neither of those options seem fun or appealing to me.
