


The min ET rule would apply to all classes....no slow cars at drag week.

Requiring all competitors to run a drag tire, bias or radial would go a long way towards weeding out the stock pickups or stuff like that.

Are you talking a DOT or the drag radials... but it
HAS to be legal on the road.. or HRM would be in trouble

I mean when they are at the track. Drag radial or regular slicks. They could run whatever they wanted on the highway. Most "Plan B" people would not likely go to the expense of buying a set of drag tires just to fit their 3/4 ton pickup. Much less change tires every day to make their passes.

Drag Week 2011 - 77th place - DD
Drag Week 2012 - 2nd place SRBB N/A
Drag Week 2014 - Kapooya
RMRW 2018
RMRW 2020