


You may find that when the oil passage was drilled it created a hump in the cam bore and may cause a pinch in the bearing.

This is looking like the case. Each oil passage has a pinch. I tried a razor blade and it helped, but I`m worried about a few shutter marks left by the blade when I started or stopped cutting. I have new bearings coming and I`ll try to track down a used cam.

You could take a fine file like a 1/2 round and just do a couple swipes with light pressure or a 1" dowl rod with sand paper stapled to it but I would go more with the file.You wont need to do much to get rid of the hump.Do what you can with the bearings in there and you have the new for a backup if you don't like your results.jmo.

If this was the case you would ALWAYS see the bearing
tight in that area... on my last build I seen it tight
most of the way around.. better than half way... I
used my cam sizer(old cam with the cuts) to correct
the fit.. I just spray cutting fluid in while I spin
it with my impact wrench(slow at first) then give it
a full shot... I've never had a cam bearing failure