

They are still out there....

That Z28 is just awesome. How do you resist driving such a cool car?

So Mike- what would YOU do with this car, or what do you think should/would/could be done?

Should the car be turned over and lubed etc so it COULD be started and ran again down the road, or should it be a "hands off" car as far as a time capsule, or?

I know it's going to be up to the owner in the end, but I'm interested in hearing from "other" survivor car owners what they think should/would/could be done with this Camaro.

It's a time capsule that will only be totally original ONCE, so I guess alot of thought has to go into anything before commencing....

I own a low mile,(2,800) Challenger. My car has the original brakes, exhaust, shocks, front end, etc. Being an ex drag car, the motor had been out and modified. All of the original components were there though. Alternator, starter, distributor, etc. were all there and none of the wiring was disturbed. But the fuel system was totally contaminated and needed to be replaced. The motor compartment unfortunately needed to be "restored".

The glass and interior on my car are the best I have ever seen and might even be better than that Camaro. But that car(Z28), is really special as it is a true Survivor in every respect. And unlike cars like the cornfield hemicuda(no disrespect-great car-BTW), it was preserved to a higher degree.

I have driven my car a total of 5 miles in the entire time of ownership. It just doesn't make sense to drive a car like this. Whatever originality will be lost if that happens. It has a perfect inspection sticker that expired 35 years ago. I would imagine it wouldn't last long if it was exposed to the sun,etc. Same for the interior. And if you ran the car alot, the original exhaust would suffer.

My feeling is that cars like this should be cleaned up and left as-is.