
The part of my driving I expect should and will change:
-need smoother inputs (specifically turn in needs to be smoother and more gradual)
-higher and more consistent corner entry speeds (if I'm on the gas before apex, I'm not entering fast enough)
-more specific and consistent reference points
-rolling into throttle at apex to exit (been getting on throttle late, which leaves room on the table on corner exit)
-later braking zones

Those who track on a regular basis - feel free to add to the list or change the priority order.

1) You need to fix your hands. 9 & 3 and you have to shuffle. If your hand passes 12 it went too far. When you spun, you could have saved it if your hands were farther apart and you worked the wheel. Keeping your foot in the gas didn't help (modulate), but your hands couldn't keep up with the inputs the car needed.

2) The main reason you lost it was driving your mirror. Identify, ignore, let them by at the next passing point. Always check your mirrors, but they aren't going anywhere until the next passing zone. Don't even pay attention to them if you aren't at a point you can let them by. You got distracted, lost focus and were unprepared for the hit on the curb. But, the curb didn't cause it, it was you not expecting it.

3) Use the entire track. You are leaving a lot of room at the apex, entry and exit. If you want to put all the power down on exit you need to track out all the way to the edge while unwinding the wheel.

4) Carry more speed. There are a lot of sweeping corners that open up a lot more than it looks if you use the whole track at exit. Stay on the gas, power through and modulate. Sometimes it's just a tap of the brakes to nose over for some grip and then back on the gas through the corner.

5) Don't judge your speed by the other cars in your group. Doesn't matter what they drive, it's all the driver. You can start to do that in the more advanced groups. Green is a total crap shoot and the drivers are super inconsistent.

Sounds like you are having fun, which is the most important part of it all. Keep it up and you will get better over time.