I have been reving it up to about 2000rpm in 2nd and letting the clutch out while holding the line lock and it spins the tires very easily. I do not need the line lock just keeps the car from pushing forward. I had someone take a video of me at the track and after the 2nd or 3rd pass you could see smoke coming from the bellhousing area while I was doing my burnout. I am not doing any John Force ones either just enough to get the tires warm. I have been doing my burnouts this way for a number of years and have never had any problems. Not sure why I suddenly have an issue though I think it may be the large rear tires. The strange thing is if its the tires grabbing and being sticky during the burnout then why do they spin like a dental tool on the leave from the tree? I have suspected that the burnout is the major cause of my issues and as said should probably just spin the rears in 1st and hope for the best.