

The use of electric fans in modern vehicles has nothing to do with cooling. If you wish to use an example to support your position make sure it's relevant.

I never said the use of electric fans has anything to do with cooling better than mechanical fans. I stated that they CAN cool an engine just fine (despite what some here may say)or they wouldn't be used in modern cars. Please read carefully before you put your foot in your mouth.

Maybe you better reread what I said. Nowhere did I say, or imply, that you said they cooled better. NOWHERE. I said that the manufactures did not go to electric fans for any reason related to cooling, period.

They went there for a multitude of unrelated to cooling reasons.

So, using the OEM's as an example of why one ought to run them does not support you line of reasoning. As for your anecdotal HP savings, I'd be interested in seeing the data. I can believe that kind of savings based on a FIXED mechanical fan, no so much with a thermal clutch fan.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.