

And yes the race was called to early. Even though it looked bad the decision should not have been made until the last possible chance of it clearing up and getting the track ready for racing. If it would take 2 hours to dry the track then the decision should have been made later in the day and still leave time to finish the race. Maybe a good guess would have been by 5:00pm and if possible dry the track and be racing by 7:00pm and could be finished by midnight I just suggest that there should be a time allotment made for each track depending on dry up time required and time left to finish the race.

See ya all at Norwalk


Let's just clear this up now. Saturday morning the track crew was having a very difficult time getting the top end of the track dry because water kept pushing up through it. They wanted me to make Saturday an 1/8 mile race which I was not willing to do.

Then it started raining for real, and it was still raining at 3pm. With the heavy cloud cover, cool temps, and no wind, it was going to take 3 hours to have the track ready. At that point we could not have gotten the race done by the midnight curfew. Cancelling the Saturday race sucks for us too, but it was the right call.

They wanted me to make Saturday an 1/8 mile race which I was not willing to do.
I think you guys better have a sit-down before the next race and ask "THE RACERS" would you rather race 1/8 mile or not race at all. I think someone made a VERY bad choice. Get one round of racing in and the race is a race.

1970 Duster
Edelbrock headed 408
422 Indy headed small block
5.982@112.56 mph

Livin and lovin life one day at a time