
Well,for what it's worth the entry fee was only a small cost as compared to the total cost of the entire trip.Josh usually steps up for the racers and I don't think he will be any different this year.We consider any unused entry or entry in general to be our donation to the sport and hope it keeps Josh from going under.We will write our donation off just like we do for the Humane Society,Cancer Society and other worthy causes.We have lost too many events and we know that the dollars spent by a lot of racers is hard earned and understand that expenses wasted on rainouts may be the difference as to weather they can afford the next event.To look at it in a logical sence,it was money that was going to be spent for a given weekend and the possibility of recovering any through winning is a long shot.Though the event was plegued with rain we made the best of it.We got parts from venders,seen some nice show cars,found parts at the swap meet,raced a little and got to see our friends.We can't put a price on the seeing our friends part of the weekend.Josh we are not wanting any refund,you can use our's to help others or consider it our part of helping your next event.

Every time BG posts something like this, I gain even more respect for him. BG for president! And I thought he was just a dumb/selfish racer. (JUST KIDDING)