Your Chargers spoiler looked effective at NORC. I did something simular to the yellow 2010 Srt Challenger that I have been running in nevada. I could feel it suck the nose down above 90 mph. The spoiler was only 1 1/2 inches off the road. Not streetable. Cut it and got to 3 1/2 clearance when I ran the Silver State.

Last year I made the conversion to the 2012 front spoiler. It is a more effective spolier "at speed" than the earlier ones. Mopar stated 12% more down force?

I can report the car felt fine at 160 mph. RPM was about 4200 at that speed. Plenty left in the car. The challenger "techs" for 165 so I didnt go any faster than 160, didnt want to get D.Q.ed. We managed to take first place in the 130 class. .23 sec off a perfect run.

There is a lot to be said for a heavier stable car in a race like the SSCC. The new Challengers are fast but not awfully quick.

Great event. Lots of home made aero ideas being actually used at high speeds.

Be in Ely Nevada in sepember. You will enjoy it!
