

I would argue that he "performance" cars you are thinking of have the airdam more for cosmetic reasons, to enhance the image, than practical. While the front of the cars today are cleaner, aerodynamically speaking, than our beloved musclecars, they are still subject to consumer whims and expectations.

You are mistaken in that, the air flow is so carefully controlled that some of them will relentlessly overheat if the front spoiler is missing or broken. Even if the cooling fan is on continuously, there is not enough airflow going through the radiator. Some of the more flamboyant packages are aimed at the boy racer crowd, to be sure.

Then how do they cool at lower road speeds without the airflow that is available at highway speeds?

Got an example of this in production?

I'll grant that the emphasis on clean aerodynamics has reduced grille openings to the minimum possible, but we were talking about aerodynamic improvements not cooling concerns. I still maintain that while an airdam might very well be important for cooling today's cars (not on my DD, it has a pan blocking the chin area) it is still mostly cosmetic from an under car airflow aspect. My DD has an airdam, why? I dunno for looks I guess it is nowhere near close enough to the pavement to be effective in blocking under car airflow in any useful amount and it cannot direct air thru the radiator as it is blocked off above the air dam.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.