
And how about CRE's idea of the girdle. Would it be possible to incorporate some preload against the mains when installing a girdle? I know that it wouldn't be much, but, would it be enough to make a difference?

If you run a heavy girdle like what Best Machine posted, a little preload on the cap could be achieved. However, I feel that the reason for the cap walk/bounce is that the cap is trying to go oval and is flexing in a circular manner consistant with crankshaft rotation. If you can stop the begining of the movement by bracing the cap sideways against the block, it helps disipate the harmonics into the block and prevents the flexing cycle from even beginnning. The preload might help some on the 850+ hp applications, but it's the unification of the entire bottom end that's critical. Take a look here and try to envision what I'm saying...
My stud girdle page...