Well being military folks we have moved around a lot over the years. So I am not sure I have ever found a formula that works for this issue. We do build stuff for other folks and yes I have someone build my own stuff for the race cars. Just feel 1000+ hp stuff is above my pay grade. When it comes to that stuff I am MORE than happy with the guy who does those for me. Jason Pettis is a very smart guy and I think his record speaks for itself. He will continue to be my guy for all that kind of stuff.

I am currently still trying to find a local shop to do some of the simpler stuff we need done from time to time. I ask local racers and look at what they do with thier cars. I look around at the local circle track stuff as well as they tend to use a machinist more than the local drag racers do. I also have asked around at other shops who thye use or recommend. Seems many bracket guys build an engine once every 10 years or so Frankly when it comes to bracket stuff it is really hard to tell sometimes how well stuff was done. I mean it is not rocket science to build a low 10 second car, sorry but its the truth. You can do many things wrong and still get there. In the end I talk to a lot of folks and then make a decision on a shop to use after talking to the shop owner. Then we usualy give them something fairly simple to accomplish and then we check it over thoroughly. As I say I am still looking for a compitent shop here

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"