

You must be joking.

I've spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on reproduction parts that I had hoped where right but were wrong.

But let's breakdown a replacement tag into catagories.

1. Made from the original tag
2. Made from the broadcast sheet correctly
3. Made from the broadcast sheet incorrectly
4. Made up from what someone thought
5. Made up to defraud or misrepresent.

We have people on here that think all 5 catagories are bad. I have a hard time with people against #1.

I think we can all agree that #5 is bad.

Personally I'm OK with #2.

Thanks...you may have missed the core point. Did you know going in the parts were wrong and still spent the money or did you have a high expectation the parts were wrong when you purchased them? Saying you 'hoped' they were right makes me think you had a high degree of expectation they were 'correct' and found out they weren't after you bought them.

Unless you have a new tag made from the original tag, there is potential of a high degree of error when making a reproduction tag. If people, like the original poster, know going in they are paying $$$$ for a product that will be or has a high chance of being flawed, well then...that's their choice and they will have to live with the consequences.

I agree with you, and I think most people would, I don't have a problem with owners that get a reproduction made using the original as a template.

#2 is a close second but there are tags (69+ Lynch Road tags) that cannot be made accurately from a BS.

The tag from my car I posted above came from one of the tag providers listed and falls under #4 and #5. It was made based on what someone thought was correct or wanted to be.

Nope we're on the same page

I'll admit that it's not possible to build a fender tag for a car from BS for cars from Lynch Road. I would have hard time thinking that you could do it for St Louis. Luckily for me my two B bodies out of those plants have theit BS and tags.

But I'm mostly a Challenger guy and all mine are from Hamtramck. I'm pretty sure with the BS you can code out a correct tag.