Elite said " Not wanting to get into a pissin contest," Hahahah now that's funny sh&t there. I would have never thought that after reading "ALL" of your posts. You sound like my neighbor who worked behind a paint supply counter for 25+ years. He thinks he knows everything there is to know about painting too. He painted 2 cars in his life both looked like crap and the clear coat was falling off of 1 less than 2 years later.

OP, You have some good information here unfortunately it's hard to figure out because Elite is littering this thread as he "TRIES" to prove he knows what he's talking about. Go to the link I sent you (autobody 101) You will find people there that have actually painted a car and know what their talking about (Like some of the people that posted in this thread) But you won't find people that just think they do like elite (Not wanting to get into a pissin contest, Hahhaha That's still funny sh&t) Hahhahahah